ME • I live, draw and glue things together by a big lake in Cleveland, Ohio. My art and writing background is in social expression, kids and humor product. Favorite hobbies include doodling in boring meetings and photographing funny things. I've never met a collage I didn't like. I'd like to go to Collage College some day.
FIRST GRADE FLASHBACK • One day, our teacher asked everyone in the class to state their favorite color. This is a tough and possible trick question for a first grader, all colors are good--usually. By the time it was my turn, all the colors were taken--and who wants to share colors--so I said black and white. I felt backed into a corner and almost dropped out of grade school, but clearly I am finally over it now.
LIKES • every color in the world, irony, pets with good names
DISLIKES • creepy ceiling fans, velcro, running out of cheez-its
FUTURE PLANS • to have no plans
WISHES • more laughing for the people
TO DO • fire up my glue gun
FREE ADVICE • turn off the tv and turn on some good music
ACHIEVEMENT•I had really good parties in high school